Sunday, September 23, 2018

Module 4 Art Making/Material Exploring

11.      I thought it was both fun an interesting to create the Value Scale and Color Wheel.
22.      I enjoyed working with the graphite pencils the most, surprisingly. It’s incredible to see how many values you can create with the same pencil depending on the amount of pressure you apply. As well as using the same media to outline the scale, and it all is noticeably different.
33.      The most important discovery in creating the color wheel was the difference between using red vs. magenta to create black rather than brown through mixing the three primary colors. Also, how in mixing the three primary colors, it is important to use just the right amount of each color.
44.      The most important thing I learned from the videos was how to properly sharpen and use a graphite pencil to create a value chart. I enjoyed the videos because they got straight to the point and demonstrated the creation of both the value chart and color wheel clearly.

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